Sunday, June 14, 2015

Changes to the GOLD Jade Certificate

Photo Courtesy of

Great changes are coming to Geneseo's sustainability scene courtesy of Geneseo GOLD, Geneseo's Sustainability Commission, and the Office of Sustainability's interns! The GOLD Jade Leadership in Sustainability Certificate is being overhauled for the 2015-2016 academic year to include some hands-on projects and new required and optional workshops.

The new required workshops for the Jade certificate are:
Following the Money: Economy and the Environment
Unpacking Portrayals of Sustainability
Opportunities in Current Environmental Issues - Preparation
Opportunities in Current Environmental Issues - Reflection

Similar to the Sapphire certificate in volunteerism, the Jade certificate will now include a ten hour 'service' requirement, where participants can do hands-on activities with the Office of Sustainability or in their local communities. The Opportunities in Current Environmental Issues - Preparation will introduce participants to service projects in the area, and the Office blog and Facebook will also advertise service opportunities like honeysuckle pulls, bee box building, composting and more. The reflection workshop will allow participants to talk about what they did for their service, and how they can continue to be active members of the sustainability community.

There will also be a whole host of exciting workshops offered by sustainability interns, faculty, commission members, administration, and more! Just a few of the workshops lined up for the year are:

  • Evaluating Agriculture's Environmental Impact
  • Biological Problems - Invasive Species
  • Biological Problems - Deforestation
  • What is Eco-Feminism?
  • Building and Sustaining Organizations
  • Persuading the Powerful
  • Your Happiness and the Environment
  • Happiness, Materialism, and Intentional Living
  • Earthship Biotechture + Sustainable Development
And that's just a taste of what we've got lined up! If you're interested in teaching a workshop, or leading a hands on activity, talk to our GOLD coordinator intern, Meghan Barrett (